2024 Future Science Prize Week
Asian Young Scientist Fellowship Annual Conference




Opening Ceremony 

• Opening Remarks by

- HKU Representative

- AYSF Representative: Hong Wu, Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University; Chair of 2023 Steering Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

• 2024 AYS Fellows Award Ceremony

• Group Photo


Session I - Life Science

Opening by Life Science Representative

- Hong Wu, Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University; Chair of 2023 Steering Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

Presentation 1

- Mengdi Han, Assistant Professor, Peking University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Life Science

Presentation 2

- Yi Lin, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Life Science

Presentation 3

- Wei Wu, Principal Investigator, A*STAR Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN); 2024 AYS Fellow - Life Science

Presentation 4

- Shuangjia Zheng, Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Life Science


Session II - Physical Science

Opening by Physical Science Representative

- Dawei Ma,  Research professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry; chaired professor, Southern University of Science and Technology; Chair of 2023 Physical Science Sub-Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

Presentation 1

- Mahipal Ganji, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru; 2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science

Presentation 2

- Jiheong Kang, Associate Professor,Seoul National University;  2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science

Presentation 3

- Kai Leng, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science

Presentation 4

- Hoi Chun Po, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; 2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science


Networking Break


Session III - Mathematics

Opening by Mathematics Representative

- Kaoru Ono, Professor, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Chair of 2023 Mathematics Sub-Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

Presentation 1

- Kento Fujita, Associate Professor, Osaka University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Mathematics and Computer Science

Presentation 2

- Man-Chun Lee, Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 2024 AYS Fellow - Mathematics and Computer Science


Networking Break


Session IV - Computer Science

Opening by Computer Science Representative

- Tim Cheng, Vice-President, Research and Development, Chair Professor of Departments of Electronic and Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST); Chair of 2023 Computer Science Sub-Committee, Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

Presentation 1

- Gao Huang, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Mathematics and Computer Science

Presentation 2

- Ziwei Liu, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University; 2024 AYS Fellow - Mathematics and Computer Science


Asian Young Scientist Fellowship Reception (by invitation only)

2024 Future Science Prize Symposium




Welcome Message by Program Committee Co-Chair: Vivian Wing-Wah Yam


Opening Remarks


Photo Taking


Chemistry - The Central Science Towards Interdisciplinary Research

09:45-09:50  Introduction by the Convener 

- Vivian Wing-Wah Yam, Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy and the Chair Professor of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong; Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Foreign Associate, U.S. National Academy of Sciences; Foreign Member, Academia Europaea; Fellow, World Academy of Sciences; Founding Member, Hong Kong Academy of Sciences

09:50-10:20  Keynote Speech 1: The Universality of Acid Catalysis

- Benjamin List, Director, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research; Member, German National Academy of Sciences; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2021

10:20-10:50  Keynote Speech 2: 

- Yi Cui, Director, Precourt Institute for Energy; Founding Director, Sustainability Accelerator; Fortinet Founders Professor, Stanford University; Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences; Member, Science Committee of the Future Science Prize

10:50-11:10  Keynote Speech 3: Single-molecule Chemistry

- Peng Chen, Peter J.W. Debye Professor of Chemistry, Cornell University; Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

11:15-11:40  Keynote Speech 4: Active Phase Transition and New Material on Move

- Jinyao Tang, Professor, The University of Hong Kong


Panel Discussion and Q&A 


- Vivian Wing-Wah Yam

Panelists: (Alphabetized by last name)

- Peng Chen

- Yi Cui 

- Benjamin List

- Jinyao Tang


Life Science Session - Transformative Science for Human Biology and Health

13:30-13:35  Introduction by the Convener 

- Tony Shu Kam Mok, Chairman, Department of Clinical Oncology, Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Professor of Clinical Oncology, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Honorary Secretary of the Board of Directors and Member, Hong Kong Academy of Sciences

- Kathryn Song Eng Cheah, Chair of Biochemistry, Jimmy and Emily Tang Professor in Molecular Genetics, The University of Hong Kong; Associate Member, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO); Member, Hong Kong Academy of Sciences; Fellow, World Academy of Sciences

13:35-14:05  Keynote Speech 1:

- Anne Ferguson Smith, Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and International Partnerships, University of Cambridge; Executive Chair, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC); Member, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO); Member, UK Academy of Medical Science; Fellow, the Royal Society

14:05-14:35  Keynote Speech 2: Realizing the Potential of Biomedical AI

- Euan Ashley, Associate Dean, School of Medicine, Roger and Joelle Burnell Professor of Genomics and Precision Health, Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine), of Genetics, of Biomedical Data Science and, by Courtesy, of Pathology, Stanford University

14:35-15:05  Keynote Speech 3: 

- Lorenz Studer, Director, the Center for Stem Cell Biology (CSCB); Member, the Developmental Biology Program at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

15:05-15:35  Keynote Speech 4: Uniting the Genome: The function of Piwi-piRNA Pathway in Genetic Regulation

- Haifan Lin, Eugene Higgins Professor of Cell Biology, Yale University; Founding Director, the Yale Stem Cell Center; Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences; Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of Science


Panel Discussion and Q&A 


- Kathryn Song Eng Cheah

- Tony Mok

Panelists: (Alphabetized by last name)

- Euan Ashley 

- Haifan Lin

- Anne Ferguson Smith 

- Lorenz Studer 


Science Museum Visit (by invitation only)

Permanent Science Exhibitions, and 2024 Future Science Prize Exhibition


Welcome Dinner (by invitation only)

2023 Future Science Prize Symposium

09:30- 09:35

Welcome Message by Program Committee Co-Chair: Douglas Nelson Chao Lin


Physics Session - Quantum information

09:35-09:40 Introduction by the Convener 

- Douglas Nelson Chao Lin, Professor, Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz; Distinguish Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies, Tsinghua University; Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Member, Science Committee of the Future Science Prize

09:40-10:10  Keynote Speech 1: 

- Peter Zoller, Professor, Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck; Emeritus Research Director, Austrian Academy of Sciences Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information; Member, German National Academy of Sciences; Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 2013; Dirac Medal Laureate 2006

10:10-10:40  Keynote Speech 2: Origin of Light (and other Elementary Particles) from Qubits -- an Unification of Matter and Quantum Information

- Xiao-Gang Wen, Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics, MIT; Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences; Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Dirac Medal Laureate 2018; Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize Laureate 2017

- Xiao Gang Wen, Professor, MIT

10:40-11:10  Keynote Speech 3: Learning in the Quantum Universe

- Hsin-Yuan Huang (Robert), Assistant Professor, Theoretical Physics at Caltech in 2025; Visiting Scientist, MIT; Senior Research Scientist, Google Quantum AI

11:10-11:40  Keynote Speech 4: 

- Kejia Lee, Professor, Peking University; Researcher, National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Science


Panel Discussion and Q&A 


- Douglas Nelson Chao Lin

Panelists: (Alphabetized by last name)

- Hsin-Yuan Huang  

- Kejia Lee

- Xiao Gang Wen

- Peter Zoller


Mathematics Session – Insights into mathematics

13:30-13:35  Introduction by the Convener 

- Xuhua He, Chair Professor and New Corner Stone Investigator, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong

13:35-14:00  Keynote Speech 1: A Glimpse at Statistical Physics from Percolation

- Jian Ding, Chair Professor, Peking University

13:55-14:20  Keynote Speech 2: From natural numbers to infinity categories

- Yifeng Liu, Chair Professor, Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Zhejiang University; SASTRA Ramanujan Prize Laureate 2018

14:20-14:50  Keynote Speech 3: 3d Quantum Field Theories and Langlands Duality

- Hiraku Nakajima, Professor, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), The University of Tokyo; President, International Mathematical Union (IMU)

14:50-15:15  Keynote Speech 4: Mathematics: Beauty and Utility

- Efim Zelmanov, Director, Shenzhen International Center for Mathematics, Southern University of Science and Technology, China; Member, U.S. National Academy of Science; Member, U.S. Academy of Art and Science; Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Fields Medal Laureate 1994


Panel Discussion and Q&A 


- Xuhua He

Panelists: (Alphabetized by last name)

- Jian Ding

- Yifeng Liu

- Hiraku Nakajima

- Efim Zelmanov


Coffee Break


Computer Science Session – AI & Chips

15:50-15:55  Introduction by the Convener

- Yuan Xie, Chair Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

15:55-16:20  Keynote Speech 1: Delivering Compute for AI in a Post-Moore’s World

- Gabriel Loh, Senior Fellow, AMD Research and Advanced Development at Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.; Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

16:20-16:45  Keynote Speech 2: Memory-Centric Computing

- Onur Mutlu, Professor of Computer Science, ETH Zurich; Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); Member, Academy of Europe

16:45-17:10  Keynote Speech 3: Towards Energy Efficient Circuit and System Design for AI 2.0 Era

- Yu Wang, Professor, Chair of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University; Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

17:10-17:35  Keynote Speech 4: Pursuing the Nature of Intelligence

- Yi Ma, Professor, The University of Hong Kong; Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)


Panel Discussion and Q&A 


- Yuan Xie

Panelists: (Alphabetized by last name)

- Gabriel Loh

- Yi Ma 

- Onur Mutlu

- Yu Wang

Dialogue: Future Science Prize Laureates with the Youth




2024 Public Lecture of the Future Science Prize - Life Science Prize Laureate Hongkui Deng 

2024 Public Lecture of the Future Science Prize - Physical Science Prize Laureate Tao Zhang

2024 Public Lecture of the Future Science Prize - Physical Science Prize Laureate Yadong Li 

2024 Public Lecture of the Future Science Prize - Mathematics and Computer Science Prize Laureate Binyong Sun

Dialogue: Laureates with the Youth

Future Science Prize Award Ceremony




​Red Carpet Walk


Awarding Life Science Prize


Awarding Physical Science Prize


Awarding Mathematics and Computer Science Prize


Future Concert


Future Science Prize Banquet(by inviation only)

Steering Committee
Jason Cong
Chuan HE
Jian-Shu LI
Kai LI
Jianhua LIN
Liqun LUO
Xiangping WU
Xiaodong ZHANG
Xueming YANG
Program Committee
Vivian Wing-Wah Yam (co-chair)
Douglas Nelson Chao Lin (co-chair)
Tony Mok
Kathryn Song Eng Cheah
Xuhua He
Yuan Xie


Strategic Partners


Fully Supporter


Media Partner

Funding Organizations

> Hong DING